It is not with inventions, but with improvements that you can make a fortune.
The term IT outsourcing refers to the partial or complete outsourcing of IT functions or IT-related business processes to external service providers. The outsourcing of IT services to external companies is already widespread in the IT industry today – in principle, many IT areas can be sensibly outsourced:
In an extensively networked, digital business world, it is now possible to outsource IT services regardless of the location of the service provider. Small and medium-sized companies in particular, which often do not have the necessary IT expertise or sufficient capacities, benefit from IT outsourcing.
In IT outsourcing, a distinction is made between three different types, depending on the location of the service provider:
Onshoring or homeshoring refers to the outsourcing of IT processes within national borders.
In nearshore outsourcing, IT services are outsourced to service providers whose location has only a small time difference to the client. This allows the workflow between the two companies to be optimised.
In the case of IT offshoring, the company carrying out the work is located further away. Classic examples are the establishment of a call center in Asia or the outsourcing of IT development services to India
Outsourcing IT services to subcontractors makes sense from a company’s point of view in many cases. In addition to the advantages, however, the disadvantages of IT outsourcing must also be taken into account.
Companies can often realise significant cost savings through IT outsourcing – the labor costs of specialized IT professionals are lower in many parts of the world than in European high-wage countries
IT specialists are in high demand in Switzerland and many companies are struggling with an increasing shortage of skilled workers. IT outsourcing gives you access to sought-after IT expertise that is not available locally.
Due to the shortage of skilled workers, IT departments in Switzerland often work at the limit of their capacity. Through IT outsourcing you can relieve your IT specialists in a targeted manner.
By outsourcing services to external service providers, you hand over responsibility to third parties and can reduce risks.
By outsourcing IT services, you can scale products and services without having to free up capacity.
In both nearshoring and offshoring, companies often have to contend with barriers on a linguistic and cultural level.
When outsourcing IT services to the Asian region, the time difference of several hours poses an organisational problem.
If, despite the possibility of digital collaboration, physical meetings are necessary, they often prove to be time-consuming and cost-intensive due to large distances.
With our many years of experience in the outsourcing of IT services, we are the right contact as an IT specialist and consultant. We develop a tailor-made outsourcing strategy for you that meets your requirements in every respect. In close cooperation with you, we define the services to be outsourced and find experienced, competent and reliable external service providers.
Thanks to our many years of experience with the outsourcing of IT processes, we know what is important in IT outsourcing. We have a close-knit network of external IT specialists who can provide you with high-quality IT services. We advise you in detail on the IT processes for which outsourcing makes sense and find a suitable subcontractor for you.